Welcome to Lori White Therapy
Counselling in Wimbledon
Face-to-face sessions, online and ‘walk and talk’.

Is a relationship causing you unhappiness?
Are you in an emotional crisis with no one to turn to?
Are you feeling depressed or anxious?
Do you need to take stock of where your life is going?

I know so well how life brings situations or people that just don’t make sense. Sometimes it can all get too much and we feel over-whelmed, not knowing what to do, who to turn to or what the future may hold.
I can help. I am a qualified and experience counsellor working in the heart of Wimbledon town.
I will listen with empathy and without judgement. You can talk about whatever is worrying you. I will help you understand what is really going on and together we can move gently towards learning, healing and growth.